About Essential Oils


Essential Oils are nature’s medicine. Using the aromatic parts of plants in the form of oils, mists, incense and sprays can promote healing physical, mental and emotional complaints and improve overall well-being.

Essential Oils can also be categorized using the analogy of the musical scale. Floral oils are generally top notes, earthy and woodsy oils are generally base notes, herbaceous oils are typically middle-to-top notes, and camphors citrus, and medicinal oils are often middle notes.

Oils that are top notes are fastest acting and the quickest to evaporate. They are stimulating and uplifting to the mind and body. Top notes often have antiviral properties.

Oils with middle notes primarily affect the general metabolism and physical functions of the body and have a balancing effect. Most essential oils are middle notes.

Oils with base notes are heavier oils and actually weigh more and are often thicker than top and middle notes. Base notes are the slowest to evaporate. They are also the most sedative and relaxing of the oils. They are considered fixatives which means they slow down the evaporation of other oils within a blend.

Just about everyone has heard how essential oils are a benefit to our bodies in many ways, but how consistently are they used by the average person? It takes some basic knowledge to know what oils to buy and then where and when to use them, not to mention the cost of good quality. Some companies may dilute expensive essential oils with less expensive additives to keep down the cost but what you get doesn’t give back impressive results. Don’t confuse the use of pure essential oils with any type of scented fragrance oil. Fragrance oils, although beautiful, will not give you the same benefit as genuine essential oils. I believe it’s wise to incorporate them into your daily life as much as possible.

They are best used inhaled, diffused or incorporate in soaps and lotions.

Natural soap containing essential oils work in a unique way when you wash with them. Standing in the shower with warm water and steam opens your pours as well as your nasal passages making it an ideal environment to breath in essential oils while cleaning your body with natural and affordable bar of soap. An effortless daily dose of aromatherapy is perfect for today’s busy families. No spa appointment to make, no diffusers to fill and clean and no need to get dressed and drive anywhere. Think of your soap as a mini spa getaway everyday.



Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla, Matricaria recutita) is German and (Anthemis Nobilis) is the Roman botanical name.

“Go With The Flow”

Chamomile essential oil has a middle note and the oil is extracted from the plant’s flowers. The German Chamomile is associated with the 6th and the 5th chakras while the Roman is associated with the 3rd and the 4th. The astrological sign connected with chamomile is Pisces, Taurus and Virgo and the planets are Chiron, Neptune, Sun and Venus.

Use chamomile to help calm the incessant chatter in your mind. It helps to heal frayed nerves and sort out your thoughts.

Chamomile helps quell emotional outbursts brought on by premenstrual syndrome, menopause, or any other hormone related upsets.

Chamomile can help to relieve inflamed joints and is effective in the treatment of sprains and inflammations of all kinds. It helps to promote more restful sleep, reduce fevers and releasing the physical symptoms of PMS.

Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Basil Essential Oil (Ocimum basilicum)

"Creative clarity"

Basil is a top to middle note. The oil comes from the leaves and flowering tops on the plant. It’s associated with the 6th, the 3rd and 1st chakras, the astrological sign of Leo and the planet Sun.
Used to help you remember spiritual abundance and awaken your connection with protective guides and angels. Use basil as an ingredient in a protection blend to ward off jealousy.

Basil aids in mental clarity and memory improvements. It can help to shift the way you think about yourself regarding your self-worth ad ability to lead and make great achievements. Basil untangles chaotic thoughts and sheds light on confusing circumstances and complex situations.

Basil is useful for gaining an understanding of why you feel the way you do during times of confusing, raging emotions. Basil promotes courage and confidence and said to help in dementia.

Basil can be used to increase your prosperity and entrepreneurial abilities and deflects negative challenges and helps to maintain focus on following a good plan of action.

Use sparingly as it can inhibit blood clotting, is potentially carcinogenic and can be a mild skin and mucus membrane irritant. Do not use if pregnant or nursing or on children under 16 years of age.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Clary Sage (Salvia sclarrea) is native to Europe and is a potently aromatic plant that grows to a height of about 3 feet. It has blue, pink or white flowers and the essential oil comes from the flowers and leaves of the plant.

It’s fragrance is balsamic, heavy, herbal, nutty, strong, with a sweet top note and a tobacco middle note. It represents the 3rd and 6th chakras and its astrological signs are Cancer and Pisces.

Clary sage is a good essential oil to use for contemplation, meditation and prayer. This oil helps to achieve a deep state of meditation.

Clary sage relaxes the judgments in the mind, allowing you to let go and let others live their lives. As you release judgment of others and yourself, you become the objective observer.

Clary sage relaxes, comforts and grounds feelings and emotions. It replaces the energy of hysteria with a sense of well being and euphoria. Use for calming and releasing anger and frustration, It helps to quell emotional outbursts brought on by premenstrual syndrome, menopause and other hormone related upsets.

Clary sage helps to rebalance overall physical health by helping to release stress and anxiety. Use clary sage to restore strength after and illness. It reduces blood pressure, headaches and migraines through the release of tension. It reduces perspiration and is great for a sound sleep.

This oil has a sedative effect so avoid prior to driving and when it is necessary to stay alert. Avoid when drinking alcohol, android in cases of low blood pressure. Overuse may cause headaches. And finally, avoid when pregnant or nursing.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Cinnamon Essential Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) comes from the leaf of an evergreen tree with leathery green leaves. It’s note is middle to base and it has a musky, sharp, spicy strong and sweet fragrance. It is associated with the 3rd and 6th chakras and its astrological signs are Lew and Sagittarius.

"The Spice of Life"

Cinnamon is said to increase psychic awareness. Use cinnamon to wake you up from a mental stupor because it can boost cognitive function. It revitalizes blood flow, and as the energy moves, it increases your mental capacity to listen, learn, absorb and integrate all that is going on around you and within your mind. Cinnamon is beneficial for venturing outside the norm of your regular way o thinking, allowing you to use your mind in different ways to achieve new results in your life.

Cinnamon raises your confidence and self-esteem. It helps to unblock energy blocks.

Cinnamon’s aroma can increase your appetite. It raises the body temperature which is beneficial for colds and flu relief. It also reduces blood sugar levels, kills fungi and bacteria, increases circulation, and strengthens the heart. It also can reduce arthritis pain and reduces the levels of bad cholesterol.

The scent of cinnamon attracts prosperity and abundance.
Avoid cinnamon when pregnant or nursing. Do not add to baths, as it can be irritating to mucus membranes.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is distilled from a tree in Australia.

"Clean and Clear"

This medicinally scented essential oil has a place in every household. Although the aroma is quite strong, it is safe to use neat on the most delicate parts of the body and has been used during war times when medicines were in short supply. It’s popular in many skin care products especially for those claiming to treat acne.

Tea tree is fungicidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, parasiticide, and antiviral, parasiticide and an expectorant. Tea tree is a head-to-toe oil that can be used to treat everything from dandruff to athlete’s foot.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon)


Lemon is a fragrance recognized and loved everywhere. It is a bright, sunny friend to the body, mind, and spirit. Its uses are ancient and far reaching. Lemon has been found to be antiseptic, astringent, bacteriostatic, and rejuvenating and as far as aromatherapy, it’s clean and fresh. Lemon is quite simply a wonderfully uplifting essential oil, with superior pep-up power. A quick whiff of this fizzy fragrance is sure to lift a dark mood. The essential oil comes from the lemon rind. It helps to tone all skin types and balances oily skin. The essential oil has been found effective in cases of varicose veins, gastric ulcers, skin care, depression, anxiety, and digestive problems.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a favorite of many people.

"River of Creativity"

This herb has touched the masses through flavored breath mints, toothpaste, and sore muscle liniments to name a few. Peppermint is piercing and pungent. Its aromatic coolness is felt as much as smelled. At times, it seems so cold that it is warming, and always must be properly diluted before use.

Peppermint has been found to be uplifting, rejuvenating, clearing, refreshing, antiseptic, an expectorant, and a mental stimulant.

It is also believed to be antiseptic and antispasmodic. The essential oil has been found effective in cases of headaches, congestion, fever, fatigue, sinus headache, migraine, and muscle aches.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)

"The Wise Ones"

Some call it the King of Essential Oils!

Frankincense has a unique, sweet balsam like scent. It is a favorite for inhalations and has enjoyed a centuries-old reputation as an incense to cleanse and purify a home or temple. The scent of this fine essential oil is a bonus to its cell-regenerating properties.

Frankincense can be expensive, but the pure essential oil is very much worth the cost and is one It’s one you always want to have on hand.
Some of the benefits on Frankincense:

Anti inflammatory properties
Promotes spiritual awareness
Helps to clear thinking
Good for immune system
Sun spots
Known to kill caner cells
Anti aging
- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016


Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)

"Sweet Transformation"

Lavender’s name evolved from the Latin lavare, which means “to wash.” Lavender pure essential oil comes from a number of types of lavender and their fragrance is each slightly different.

Lavender has been found to be antifungal, antiseptic, antidepressant, calming, normalizing, harmonizing, deodorizing, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and is believed to enhance the immune system. Lavender essential oil has been found effective in cases of stress, insomnia, acne, infection, anxiety, depression, headaches, skin irritations (burns, eczema), and fatigue. It’s usually an essential oil most popular and loved by many.

- Lembo, Margaret Ann. “The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing.” Llewellyn, 2016